Sunday, January 1, 2012

And the Journey Begins....

Well before I get started with my blogging, I am going to just do a quick intro. Basically, everything I write over the next year will go here. I have two other blogs that will feature some of my writing, but the majority of it will be here. I am aiming for one million words by the end of 2012, a very crazy challenge I know.

I will be blogging, writing short stories, writing novels, and other writing challenges. I will also be attempting to read at least 30 books this year, a large portion of which are classics from the BBC List of books (they think that Americans have read no more than 6. I've read 7, but I'm determined to read more!).

So, as it is after 6:30 in my time zone, I am failing already! I have yet to read any of my first book and I have yet to do any blogging or novel writing/planning!! I'm also wanting to finish my 2011 Nanovel this month. I love how I had it all planned out in Google Calender, and yet here I am, writing my first thing of the year...a post about how behind I am with my writing. Ha! So, now you know that I will be going insane this coming year, and I feel that means you have been sufficiently warned. So sit back and enjoy the show!

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